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Supported by

Deer Fund



Deer Initiative

Firearm Security



Established 1984

Operating in Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and bordering counties

         The Importance of Deer Management

Our population of native deer, topped up with imported species and released captive animals, has exploded in recent years. An exact head count of deer is difficult due to their nature but it is believed that deer in Britain are more numerous now than 1,000 years ago. Deer have re-established themselves throughout the countryside and their range and numbers are steadily increasing. It's nice to see  deer in the countryside, after all its part of our natural heritage. The increasing numbers are a true indication of how the landscape has been improved for wildlife in recent years with set-aside and reforestation. But deer in Britain have no natural predators and as numbers continue to expand its inevitable that their numbers need to be controlled.

With the estimated population of deer in Britain at 1.5 million its not surprising road traffic accidents involving them have increase as populations spread. The total cost of accidents involving deer  on the roads last year was believed to be in the region of 17million pounds, along with many human fatalities.

Deer cause significant damage to forestry by reducing tree regeneration, browsing saplings and bark stripping. Ancient woodland is being irreversibly damaged and native woodland plants are under threat from unchecked deer populations. Areas of Special Scientific Interest are under even greater threat from the rapidly spreading Muntjac population, displacing many species of endangered birds and butterflies.

 Farming, Forestry and Horticultural industries need to optimise efficiency and profitability of their crops. Identification and minimising crop damage is of vital importance whilst still maintaining a balance with a healthy wildlife population. For almost 30 years the Hereford Deer Management Society has worked successfully with farmers, landowners, agents and forestry companies in implementing suitable management plans. We can offer free advice, consultancy, crop inspection and damage identification.

 If you have a problem with deer in anyway then please do not hesitate in contacting us, we will be only  too pleased to help.